This is a good effort, from the point of view within a network subject to cancellation forces, thanks for posting.
Any network has a non-profit value to humanity which is estimated using metcalfe’s law.
So Metcalfe’s law gives us a simple tool to see the effects of cancellation on humanity, which is now dependent on networks.
It says the value of the network is proportional to the square of the number of users.
So the network value is reduced by an amount proportional to the number of users removed, when users are cancelled, regardless of who the users are, all points of view are valid, whether correct or not.
The point of the network is to sort out the truth, educating those who might not know the truth.
So cancellation policies (other than as might be used to remove false users) are actually damaging to the benefit that the network is to the public.
Where we see that practiced, we should be questioning if the network ownership is really in the best hands, or whether it might be better owned by the collective of users.