This is all opinion on your part, you have not provided a single piece of logic or link to any reference why you believe what you believe.
Crypto is declared ciminal by whom? Regulators of the regular money system? Whilst the latter is the physically unsustainable energy con?
Money issued as debt, is what is tying us into energy extracted from the planet, which is what is physically pushing up the temperature. I can tell you this as a thirty year practicing Engineer applying energy in all kinds of scenarios, some of them historically patented.
The formal system analysis links the two things without any shadow of a doubt, the practice of profit is an energy con that you / we never realised until now, partly because science has omitted to mathematically sign energy in a way it can be audited. None of this is arguable, its physics.
Money is energy, as indicated in markets. When the money has devalued to nothing, it will buy no energy.
Money is devaluing, hence inflation because it is not being issued to reflect the only actually real source of energy, the energy from the sun.
If you can understand this, then you might see how far out the established authorities are from actual sustainability.
Meantime, if you prefer not to, enjoy the money devaluing in your pocket, to nothing.
The real criminals are the ones committing the energy crime, and forcing the rest of us to commit it also, not the ones trying to create new ways of making money.
All the best to you, I hope the future turns out well for you whatever happens, but what I wrote here still very much stands intact, you have not identified anything physically incorrect.
To understand why efficiency is irrelevent, in the case that the energy comes from the sun, you might need to go through this story: