This is all great Enrique, except it misses something really important - CO2 emissions are a mask, masking the real existential problem, honestly, please do look at the full implications of the atmosphere being adiabatic - there can be no effect on temperature of any blanket, the blanket itself has to expand to cancel out any effect it has on temperature, its a profit driven, potentially fatal red herring, which masks what we are really measuring with temperature rise - destruction.
The tenth month in a row of escalating temperature shows it is non linear, what we are measuring is an inverse of the remaining usable charge in the battery of Earth
We are measuring the charge running out, literally, it can't last even another year or so, the charge remaining in the battery has to fail until the entire economic engine of humanity finally stalls, on lack of energy at the input. This will be after huge cost to life, if we do not short circuit it, the only way it can be short circuited, by monetisation and empowerment of domestic and community solar.
If we want to keep all aerospace airborne, we will need to make sure all installations are capable of generating hydrogen, and this used for backup in all installations.
The excess from that, which would be naturally incentivised by permanent solar indexed stimulus, will build up to replace the thermodynamic heatsink, which was fossil fuels.
There is no other way of recovery, not nuclear, wind, hydro, even fusion, none of them are actually reduction of entropy.
We need reversal of entropy to get the temperature back down, and the only energy we can use to do that is solar.