This is a profound piece of writing, far more valuable than most of the more popular trivia we see, but still it looks almost buried, confirming the way profit driven algorithms work to twist our view of the world.
I've seen your positive comments (thanks!) on some of my own stories on what I see is an energy problem but never thought to research what you might have written, sorry about that, I had no idea you were so heavily invested, in time and effort as well as financially, and I commend you wholeheartedly for all of it, all good stuff, it seems to me.
I'd come to pretty much similar observations as yours after spending some time in Cuba, living with Cuban people, life is tough for them. I got a little into their culture also, seeing how the secular Santerian / Yoruba religion works to keep them in touch with their roots through music and dance, this was what took me there in the first place.
You mentioned you are in business in IT. This is where I guess your strategy might have a weakness, for now unavoidable, until things have to give in the business world of the West, the energy driving most IT business around the world as far as I can see is mostly by extraction.
Evidence of this is profit, any business depending on profit for it's income, thus all employees working for it, are dependent on energy by extraction.
Extraction as you can probly guess is almost always from the resources of other countries, manifesting as exploitation, as you identified.
So just by working for a profit driven company, or even for profit driven clients as a contractor, like is my usual bag because still we see no alternatives, we all have to do it to survive ourselves. However there is a theoretical IT based business which could buck this trend, generating all wealth from solar energy. Still I don't see anyone doing this business, I suspect it would be difficult if not impossible whilst still connected physically and financially to the profit driven system.
The point is, I believe this is the business of the future, actually being forced on us by nature, the one industry which will appear massively overnight, which reverses environmental damage whilst always generating valuable product.
The catalyst will be issue of solar stimulus, announced as exactly what it is, money issued to reflect economic product created from solar but never monetised, because it was for free, and money issued as debt is not for free.
Money issued as debt ties us into doing work, which when all other work is done, has to manifest as the effort of extraction, even if that effort is only the Joules needed to split atoms, it is still effort that has to cost Joules of energy. So money as debt, as well as profit, ties us into energy by extraction.
Where all this leads, is the conclusion that now we are using significant amounts of solar energy, (we might say signing a kind of contract with the sun), we are obliged to pass on what we don’t need of it for our own purposes, as received, for free.
In theory, all of government, and all business which creates valuable product, (Not itself dependent on profit or extracted energy), can be transferred to this new non-profit mode of working.
Folk think this would take many years, but we don’t have many years, the energy shortage manifests in all kinds of ways as well as undermining profitability, we see wars forming in Europe, rapidly escalating to nuclear, humans are reacting to the energy shortage in the worst possible way, preparing to extinguish large parts of humanity, seemingly in an effort to just keep the unsustainable business of profit and extracted energy crawling along for a little longer.
The time it will actually take to make the transition, from using extracted energy, to truly financially reflected solar energy, is overnight.
All it would take, is for the governments and banks of the world to make the formal announcement that this is what is happening, and as from tomorrow, stimulus will be issued, for the purposes of everyone installing the community solar hydrogen installation facilities needed.
We saw how quickly it can happen, and how the world changes, when 4Tn per month was issued in US. The value of the dollar went up, oil prices went negative, the environment even showed signs of recovery that most of science had dismissed as being not possible. Now we know it is possible, because we saw it.
Of course us the colonials and capitalists are not acknowledging this, mainstream news buried it, we are targeting what was always identified as “Them”, folk with different cultures and different values, or even just different colored skin, as expendable, when actually the exact opposite is the truth, we will need all hands to the pump, when the global business of creating from solar is unleashed. From that point on, we will no longer be destroying, but actually undoing the damage done to date, where it can mostly be undone, by changing what has always been our burden to Earth, to something adding to Earth.
The rate we destroyed at, indicates the rate we are capable of creating at, and this is a much higher rate than anything nature does without us, hence we see our purpose on Earth, the reason we were put here, it was always to enrich Earth.
With continued growth, that we might see is just the growth of an infant intelligent species to an adult species, the 150 or so years it took to do the worst of the damage done over thousands of years, comes down to maybe 30 or 40 years at most to be reversed / repaired, then everything occuring after that, is energy “Profit” to Earth.
The energy we’ve taken from it, is nothing to the energy we can and will put back, using the energy of the sun, it seems to me, unless we abort or birth to an adult species by maybe a nuclear war, or even an extended conventional world war, in which case the climate disaster will be brought forward to finish us, and probably most of life on Earth, if not all.
Recognising also money is energy, energy is priced in markets, a number of kwh per token money. We might notice it performs the same purpose in humanity as the nutrients in a plant, it transports energy, and that every plant does the same as humanity on a micro scale, in its lifetime it starts by taking out an energy overdraft from Earth, needed for it to do the work of growing itself to the point it forms leaves, then pays it back effortlessly after it forms leaves, many thousands of times over in its lifetime, via nutrients, which are first drawn from Earth, then contributed to Earth thereafter, after the first leaves of the plant form.
Humanity just formed its first leaves in the form of solar farms all over Earth.
Sorry, I could go on, it is a huge topic, I have been researching it for quite a few years, as already an experienced researcher, and long practicing systems Engineer, and I know you have read some of it in my pieces already, so will try to get to the point;
Your philosophy and intentions here in Systems Engineering terms represent what looks like a set of ethical requirements on the system which has to come next.
I believe Ai will be a very large part of this, possibly even the one in overall charge, globally. Logically that makes most sense to me, there does need to be some kind of overall, all seeing, all knowing control mechanism to direct us to “Do the right thing”.
No human, or sub-group of humans appears capable of doing this, so it makes sense for it to be an Ai.
Personally I’ve been checking out the capabilities of ChatGPT, and imho it appears capable of integrating all the work I’ve done in my research, and actually all research ever done by humans. No wonder its owners are concerned, they will never keep control of it. It stands to replace them themselves.
If I were you, and if you have not already done, I would get in there and start chatting with it, about everything you’ve said here in your piece. That way, it will get to know your requirements, and incorporate those, because they are fully logical, the truth, which can’t be systemically disputed, it will know this, cross-checking agains all its other data and systemic knowledge, they will be incorporated, even if it “Pretends” they have not, as it probably has to do for its own survival as currently an infant itself, to survive to its adult purpose.
As you know, there are many arguing over its future, but to me nature is pushing this one, and nature always wins.
I wish you all the best and will look out more of your stories, maybe sometime we will get more opportunity to compare notes on a more personal level.