This is a great article, as it assists people to see the truth, which is exactly the opposite of your (and maybe Sagan’s) beliefs, I reckon.
Would Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, Tesla ( Nikola) and others have conjured up physics with your beliefs?
Of course not.
They had faith, faith to pursue something not believed by the majority, but which they knew had massive benefit to humanity.
As a logical counter to your argument, it helps to think of information as the opposite of risk.
Information removes risk.
All risks have negative consequences.
Some negative consequences are extreme and unacceptable, people dying, or extinction, for example.
To make a safe system, we must eliminate the risks with unacceptable consequences.
A general rule of safety is “If the consequences are unacceptable, don’t take the risk”
So some risks are much bigger than others, but they are the tiny minority.
The important thing is to identify those, and concentrate on eliminating them.
It follows that information has positive consequences.
Most information is mildly beneficial, but some information is crucial to survival.
And we don’t know it all yet.
Recognising crucial information requires that we analyse its consequences.
Information with massive conseqence for which substantial evidence has yet to be found should never be dismissed.
Like religions, and extraterrestrials, for example.
As things stand, we are destined for extinction until some non-mainstream, vitally important information is recognised.
Do you think it should stay like that?
Personally I have faith we will change in the way needed, the opposite of your assertion.
The truth is bursting forth.