This is a good article, worth emphasising, there is global temperature rise, and this is causing climate change.
I've been saying the same thing a long time too, every year will get exponentially worse, until we change what needs to be changed. We need to move from monetising destruction, to monetising creation.
I haven't seen much of the hype about Trump understanding or not.
But the clip you've quoted, I went to have a look, and the part they used as reference does not show him denying climate change, his words were "A lot of it is a hoax".
The exact same criticism could be levelled at me, if I ever came into a position of being in public influence (I'd rather not!).
I do my best to show that all the effort, energy, and money is wasted in the business of "renewables" is for profit, therefore has the opposite effect of what is claimed, it actually accelerates the temperature rise, because the temperature rise is caused by profit, not greenhouse gases, which I try to keep reminding, do not make sense in an adiabatic atmosphere in any case. To me its all symptomeering. The root problem is an energy problem. Maybe Trump knows this.
To stop it, we are going to have to expose it, and Trump looks set to do that, which is no bad thing imho.