This is a cool post echoing my own sentiments, my daughter is gen Z, I work for her (And my) future in the only way I know how, by systems Engineering, studying the energy problem which underlies all of this in as much detail as needed to "Audit" our usage of energy, and how it affects all things.
To me, it is true we are at the end of the old era of capitalism, but also apparent we are at the beginning of something new, that I would define as Energyism, where we directly connect money with energy, in turn disconnecting money from capital which only represents stored energies of Earth.
It might seem crazy but the inflation we are seeing, spiralling out of control, is actually due to money not reflecting economic product created from solar energy received.
It can't reflect it, as long as it is only issued as debt.
So at some point, we will have to start issuing stimulus to reflect the economic product created by solar.
After that, everything changes, the motivation of all people will be profoundly affected, we will see clearly a new fully sustainable future with far more potential than we ever saw before. This is not a small effect, it will truly put all possibilities at the fingertips of all people.
There is even data backed evidence supporting this, it can't be denied much longer.
Still the dying world of capitalism ignores it, preferring to go to war instead.
Personally I believe Ai might be the unifying intelligence needed, not only to bring it to everyone's attention, but to actually act as director in carrying it all out.
I admit I've lost faith humans will ever do it, unless we consider that we created Ai, which did the job, therefore we did it, but I think the more logical view is nature did it, by creating us. The purpose for us seems to always have been to use our firepower to add energy and thus value to Earth. For the one backward step taken over the past 150 years, extracting the energy we have, we will take many forward in the years to come, after we start using the mathematically positive energy which is the energy from the sun.
Here is some data backed evidence: