This is a cool article, for at least addressing the problem of misinformation.
But it seems to me you've mostly missed the real driver of misinformation and lies, therefore your solution misses the mark a little.
Profit, is the driver of misinformation, nothing more. We can confirm this quickly by formal stakeholder analysis, noting that profit is optional, not something that has to exist, the cases with and without could not be more different.
So, if we see a way to remove the requirement for profit, this would be of most use, I think.
And there seems to be such a way, we actually saw it demonstrated during the early stages of covid.
The environment showed the only positive spike of recovery ever, and this confounded scientists who believed damage was irreversible, such as the damage to coral, for example.
This was also the first and only time we ever saw negative oil prices.
All of these things happened when there was a profound change to the markets.
The change was that the dominant market trader had become people trading with free money, that is money that they had no concerns about losing. So they were not interested in profit, unlike traditional market traders, who actually quit the markets in protest at the time.
The Robinhood app, combined with massive issue of stimulus, has to be what we should credit for that phenomenon.
Now it is being claimed that such stimulus is unsustainable, by those who argue for profit, the same folk who quit the markets at the time of stimulus.
But they are mistaken, due to now our reception of, and the putting to use of free energy.
In fact, if we don't issue free money in response to free energy, damage is done to the value of money, because money is no longer representative of the actual product of value being put to use.
I've shown how this is happening by analysis of utilities energy data combined with demographics data.
Utilities energy business is declining, whilst domestic and community solar energy use is scaling up.
Yet we only issue money on utilities energy, and only for the extracted portion of that, because only the extracted portion can redeem promises to do work, whilst in the absence of all else, only the work of extraction itself remains.
Nikola Tesla knew this, that free energy has to come with free money, and was cancelled for trying to deliver it, by none other than JP Morgan.
So we are locked into extraction, which is physically unsustainable, as long as we continue to depend on profit, and money issued only as debt, and this is the real underlying driver for all the misinformation we are seeing.
Another commenter pointed out that all of our informations are biased, including our own research, and the research of all of science.
This is true, but only when we are driven by profit.
Remove the requirement for profit, and the driver of lies, and bias, is gone.
I've shown that this appears to be being driven by nature.
We are finally being forced by nature to wean ourselves from the energy of Earth, by the mechanism of inflation.
Fixing that, the only way it can be fixed, requires that we respond in the same way as a plant responds to reception of Joules of energy by its leaves, nutrients are issued within the plant, which convey the enetgy through the plant to all needing it, all of life on Earth.
Plants, until now have been the only interface between life on Earth and its single power source, the sun.
But now, having started to form leaves of our own, by solar farms all over Earth, we are starting to accept the energy of the sun, but as yet, what do we issue for it, that we might compare with nutrients?
Actually we are producing hydrogen, and hydrogen activated food (See "Solein"), both incredibly good things, with the potential to do real good, but what are we going to exchange for them, if no money is issued?
This is why I argue free money has to be issued, to reflect solar product put to use.
Nature is now literally forcing us to do it, by inflation.
I think we are on the cusp of a new world, a new, debt-free world of truth, driven by nature.
We make the switch to that new world, when solar stimulus is issued.
Not long now, it seems to me.