This is a brilliant story but stops short of identifying the whole issue of profit, which comes down to energy imho. Everyone having a source of free energy no longer has a need to seek profit from one another.
If we trace back to before the last world wars, there was a time when we almost went to the free energy of the sun, the tech to do it was in process courtesy of Nikola Tesla but he was defunded by JP Morgan who was his only funder. JP Made a decision right then, towards longevity for his bank, at the gross expense of humanity. If Tesla had not been defunded (removing his energy source), the world would be a very different place today. Tesla, and even JP might even have been still with us, flying to the stars. All the things we wished for and thought should happen but never have, can be traced to about then. We would have countless geniuses amongst the millions of souls lost in the wars, and the guy who shot Franz Ferdinand and wife would never have got so desperately hungry, if Tesla had been sucessful, more than ten years earlier.
If we could wind the clocks back to fix anything, it should be to then.
But it still not to late to turn things round, we now have different technology to enable the energy of the sun to do its magic. But only the banks appear to have the power needed to make the required change, that is to issue the free money needed to complete solar hydrogen infrastructure with no further delays, enabling us to move to an economy of plenty, which analyses like current flowing in a pipe, as opposed to an economy of scarcity, analysed by static numbers in bank balances.
The military complex is just the culmination of the system of profit, we have to remove that fundamental driver, to fix all of the problems.