Frederick Bott
4 min readJul 16, 2022


This invalidates your whole argument.

What force do you claim would "Accelerate or Deaccelerate" Earth, to obtain a new orbit, after the current one is broken? Satellites have propulsion, at least the ones I helped build, that is how we change their orbits, until they run out of fuel.

Earth has no propulsion, unless you have some new information there.

An increase in solar pressure, with nothing else changed, including velocity, would be a force acting on Earth to constantly force it outwards. As it moves outwards, initially infinitesimally, but still at escape velocity remember, the force of gravity on Earth from the sun decreases as a square law. In other words, the sun lets us go, the further out we move from it, with no change in velocity.

Very quickly, the exponentially weakening force of gravity from the sun has to be overcome by the dual forces of centifugal and solar pressure still acting on us, to throw us outwards.

Earth would be like a stone out of a sling, after our orbit is broken.

Do you know how dangerous your misconception is here?

Misinformed investors are at this moment queing their money up to fund things like Geo-Engineering, based on arguments like yours, especially when you provide what looks like kosher credentials.

What will you say, when it turns out you were wrong? Can you imagine what prospects there are left of life for us, and our childrent, and all other life on Earth, after our planet has gone rogue, with no sun, as a direct result of what we did?

Does it not occur to you that pretty much all religions, which we might see as all kinds of Systems Engineering abstracted meta-models, warn against this, because maybe, just maybe, the beings who left us those guidelines know all about rogue planets, and the life that still exists on those?

Read all of the signs, put them together, and note that it all looks like a coherent message of what we must do, we must use the energy of the sun, correctly and honestly, nature is the grand authority, her currency is energy, the only issuer and enforcer of it is the sun, it pushes it to us for free, no extraction needed, we must use it, by enabling our human currencies to fall in line with it, or get our asses kicked.

We are getting our asses kicked right now, but the final insult would be Geo-Engineering, the sun will literally throw us out of orbit, if we deny its power.

We are already denying its power as long as we do not even issue money on the Joules of energy arriving from the sun that we put to use.

Yep, all sounds religious, so can't possibly be true right? But it is, absolutely true, what we are doing also violates economists own principals of Austrian Economics, as we can see from the steady devaluing of all currencies in markets, because as the solar product being put to use ramps up, money is increasingly coming to not represent it, because it isn't issued to reflect it.

you just need to see how all the pieces fit in the jigsaw, and it is very obvious.

Does it occur to you that the defoliation of Earth contributes to its slow-down, as we can see from the leap seconds that we put into nuclear clocks?

Logically, plants in darkness all night are hungry for energy in the morning, so they absorb more in the mornings than they do in the evenings, therefore there is a difference in solar pressure in the evenings than in the mornings, it is greater in the evenings since there is less energy absorbed. So plants, working with the sun, generate a positive motor effect on Earth, they literally work to keep the Earth turning.

None of this is taken into account by profit driven science, as none of it helps argue positively for the capitalist econonomy of money-as-debt.

Consider that we only create pollution when we take materials of Earth and extract our energy from those, rather than accepting it direct from the sun, we can even create clean hydrogen fuel consumable with no pollution, functionally replacing fossil fuels.

All of this is a coherent message. All of it is telling us what to do, it seems to me, we just need to be of a Systems Engineering mindset to piece it together.

My degrees are in Engineering, which is applied physics. I've had to apply it, to build things that fly, including satellites.

Some of my experience of doing that is on Linkedin, you can go and have a look if you are interested.

It is interesting to me to note you no longer claim to be a physicist. How does one go from being a Physicist, to something else? I honestly don't know.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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