This doomer bubble needs to be burst wide open. I was a little shocked to note Indi has been taken in by "B", see my response to Indi. I rated Indi very highly until finding out about this. In my own dialogs with "B", before he / she banned me (I only found out about that, trying to follow Indii's link!), I accused B of running a campaign to enlist folk to his doomed doctrine, which is based on some mis-assertions about energy. I am sure it is most likely corporate funded, and it is doing exactly as I warned it would do. Now Indi, with 31K followers, has been infected by "B", and this is turning into quite a bubble of doomers, it seems to me.
It is just perfect for those steering us down the road to disaster, to have no-one believing there is anything we can do about it. Honestly, I bet "B" is on some payroll or another.