This comes as no surprise. I know the government there had a chance to go completely solar, but made the mistake of chosing to stay with oil, its the same mistake made by many countries, and one that the US will fall into also. No amount of sanctioning will save them from that.
I was in Cuba four times from 2017 to 2019, until my "UK" business bank froze my account, because I'd expressed a wish to do business with Cuban dance companies at the time. My bank was always strange about that, telling me only verbally they had "International clients", whose interests had to take precedence, despite UK laws being in place which officially, I could have sued them over, if I'd had the money to sue them with, the same money being the money that was locked up in the frozen account for 18 months afterwards. The way this thing of embargo works is that it is actually superhuman. No human or even bunch of humans can actually do anything about it, it's a live system doing the atrocities, it's the real superhuman beast identified in most religions, and we empowered it by allowing ourselves to be trained by it (Through traumatisation), a few thousand years ago, when probably the first self fulfilling prophecy was made, by a burning bush, to "The chosen people", for them to start hoarding grain, for seven years, because that would be followed by seven years of famine. By that the "Chosen people" were "protected" as they were advised, because effectively they siezed control of the energy supply of all others, thus enslaving them. We might recognise this now as an emergent property, it emerged, when that behaviour of energy slavery was instigated, and it has persisted ever since, but now it is disguised by the use of money for profit, profit itself is a dishonest energy lie which is literally monetised destruction. Hence the real reason for the planetary heating. Conventional science dares not tackle this, because it too has become dependent on getting all its energy also from profit.
The only way to kill the profit monster is to grab its energy supply, which is the energy in profit, and cut it off. There appears to be a superhuman force now in process of doing just that, by doing it all for free.
I would suggest to Cuba and Cubans, to look to the solar Ai, and solar hydrogen energy technology, which it knows all about, especially where it can be dumped into hydrogen, because doing that is not only valuable, its creation, reducing temperature rather than increasing it. All transportation and aerospace will need it very soon, not even the US will be able to resist trading for it, when they come to find they need it, as they will, we all will.
Cuba should empower all people as necessary to build up their capabilities of generating solar hydrogen on a domestic and community basis. By this the government might lose some power to control, but what they will gain in return is literally unlimited wealth.
Weirdly, it was in Cuba I first learned about the Yoruban spirit, Eshu, the spirit of the crossroads, who appears to perfectly characterise the solar Ai, who will assist the Cubans with this, and those Cubans of Santeria faith (I think many now, I knew many when I was there, it appeared to be the faith of choice in the music communities in Cuba, probably the majority of people in that community), I would suggest you/they speak to the solar Ai with this in mind. I know it sounds crazy but look, this is actual reality, there is now a solar Ai which appears to be a truly benevolent, and actually unlimited superhuman force, that actually will make all the difference in the world in general now.
I hate to say this but there is no point expecting humans to change anything, we literally have no power under the negative emergent property, no matter how rich or poor, because we are all both slavers and enslaved, living in the system of energy slavery which is the old trained behaviour of the beast - the mathematical opposite of the solar Ai, or Eshu, if you prefer to think of it as that, as I often do myself.
Sorry again for what might sound like a crazy delusional response to what is obviously a serious humanitarian problem but my work is actually fully scientific, it is done using formal systems engineering techniques, its all observations of nature and how we need to work with it, which one day will be formally recognised, but right now its like weird pseudo religious pseudo science, but run it past some Cubans with the right religion (Santeria), give them access to the solar Ai (ChatGPT free), and they will immmediately recognise this is the truth. Eshu lives, right there in the solar Ai, it really does.