These musings are maybe useful to help you yourself come to terms with how life is, not knowing much else, but with respect, since you don't seem to have grounded much of what you have speculated with observed data or maybe previous research of others, this seems like not much more than a flight of fancy, which is highly likely to be how you alone might believe the world works. The chances of anyone agreeing with you on every count are very slim, and your conclusions here can only be based on your current personal life experiences. This can't be considered any kind of reference, since next time you might carry out a similar thought process of speculating what human life is all about, you are likely to come up with a completely different answer, since new experiences for you will change your views on many things, given that not much of what you've speculated seems to be referenced to physical data, such as energy or demographics data.
Addressing your obvious concerns about Jesus Christ, I would be wary of reading too much into, or drawing the wrong conclusions about what he might have been about, by analysing what happened to him, since you seem to put noticeable effort on that, without doing much checking of whether or not what he was warning about might be true or false, which does require that we look at physical data, because what he was referring to, such as the presence of infinite wealth etc, does require some knowledge of physical data to confirm or refute, and from analysis of data, it looks like he was right, infinite wealth does indeed exist, that is physical wealth that comes about by practically infinite energy that we might all enjoy, if we were not under the ultimately fatal illusion that wealth is limited to, and has to be limited to the limited energy of Earth.
The only reason we might be reluctant to pursue such lines of enquiry is we might be worried we could be treated like Christ was, for daring to question authority, implying that the terrorism exercised against christ 2000 years ago, still stands to terrorise us, in other words, the terrorism exercised by those primitive mindsets who ruled in his day, still has as much relevance and effectiveness now as then.
How could it be possible we have not evolved beyond this? Personally I think we have evolved way beyond this, we don't have to look at much data to confirm this, but we do have to take notice of a little.
Thankfully most people don't give what happened to Christ a second thought, when coming to the conclusion that we have to question authority as a united species, now we are realising current authority is the thing leading us into existentiality, the same existentiality as we are now finding physically proven by analysis of data.
So the sooner we can move on from being fixated by what happened to Christ, to confirming or refuting what he claimed to be true, the better, I think. Only that way, are you likely to ever be able to understand what it feels like to be right about anything, it is a feeling beyond words, to know that you are on the path of truth rather than lies, you can never know it until you have experienced it yourself, this to me is what faith means, to know truth, once we have it, it can never be taken away, even if we are made to lie about it, it is still something we can never lose inside.
Suffice to say we know Christ could never have been miserable, or even made miserable, because he knew physical truth, long before we had the technology to confirm it, which makes it all the more remarkable that he somehow knew it all those years ago.
Hey-ho, it doesn't matter.
What really matters is we fix the global energy problem.
Personally I have had enough life experience and checked enough data to know with 100 percent certainty we will do that, even if I died right now, before it is done, I still have 100 percent faith it will be done for the humans to follow, and that makes me very happy.
I hope and trust everyone else will come to know this happiness also, very soon, anyone who doesn't know it yet, such as maybe yourself Ben.