There is only one energy.
It comes from the sun.
All others you mention, are various forms of stored / captured energy.
Conventional money represents the same, capital of Earth, composed of stored energy, created by debt.
Our financial debt is an energy deficit to our planet, the two march on, hand in hand.
If you could see that, then you would also see it is finite, hence the historic zero-sum game, all profit driven business has by its nature, extracted the stored energy from Earth.
The “green” businesses you mention, except maybe solar, are no different.
Of course solar can be abused for profit also, but it is different from the others by being the only endeavour which pursues energy not already stored or captured on Earth.
All the problems we see are from continuing to extract the energy of Earth, we have already broken the climate, and poisoned the environment to the extent many species of life are dying around us.
I think you maybe know this, but maybe think there is no harm continuing the green energy racket a while longer, after all it is the only way maybe you see to “earning a crust”.
The business which does earn money, by a truly beneficial process, winding solar energy direct from the sun into our sick economy, is the creation of proof of work tokens, which are then exchangeable for money-as-debt, or money-as-capital.
You should try to find a way to do that, I would say.
We all should, really.