There is also a discipline of Engineering which does take human nature into account, though I am not sure if this helps us become "Rounded individuals" it, specifically the stakeholder analysis, does help us understand what motivates and drives people to do what they do, and why they do it.
Motivation for profit is something that comes out, over and over, and we start to see the unconscious, systemic effect this has on everything that everyone does, even ourselves.
Scientists, or even historians claiming this does not affect their output, are quite wrong, it seems to me.
An advert, is simply a dialog which puts across a massaged version of things, for profit.
In other words, almost all information, from all experts employed in the profit driven system, including academic, is more or less narrative trying to sell us something or another, including versions of history, and things like the big bang, which is claimed to be history.
A lot of jobs in the profit driven world depend on maintaining the illusion created by the narrative.
It all collapses when we can see through it, even the case for war, which is actually the case for nuclear war, but it is being sold as less, something we will not only survive, but profit by.
I think folk are starting to see the whole truth now. Formal Systems Engineering, helps a lot.