There is also a connection with economy, and a corresponding tipping point there also. It is different for every block of countries operating on each different currency, but all are loosely linked. Sri Lanka has already gone over it, they now do not have the funds needed to implement community based hydrogen backed up solar, which is the only sustainable solution, as far as I can see.
The effect of climate deterioration on currency, indirectly, is to devalue it. Hence the reason we are seeing spiralling inflation. The actual physical mechanism causing it is accumulated solar product, which has been put to use, and yet not monetised. Solar product is being added to our economies at rates of tens of GigaJoules per second, in every developed country, having ramped up from around zero, over the past twenty years or so. Those Joules can convert to fuel, food (See "Solein"), or KWhrs of heat and electricuty. . Either way in whichever way used, they are product from an external source, added to Earth, therefore money should be issued to reflect their effects in the economy, per the principals of Austrian Economics, which recommends money issue should be balanced by production, and vice versa.
Because it isn't, money is increasingly failing to represent actual valuable product, which continues to accumulate relative to all other things, with rate of production also necessarily scaling up.
The problem is only money issued for free can honestly and fairly represent energy which comes with no labor of extraction per Joule received, as exclusively applies to solar.
Money issued as debt can only translate to energy requiring labor of extraction, since debt can only translate to promises to do work, and in the absence of all other work, the only work remaining is the labor of extraction. There we see what ties us into energy by extraction, it is money issued as debt.
It doesn't take long to realise why governments and banks don't want to issue this free money, even though it boosts the value of currency, as demonstrated when 4tn per month was issued in US.
So we now have inflation which will not stop getting worse until banks and governments issue free money, or until we fall over the economic tipping point, which is the point at which we no longer have enough purchasing power in our national currency to implement even a basic initial set of community based hydrogen backed solar.
If free money was issued without further delay, with the origin of it clearly stated (See "Kardashev Money"), everyone has a very strong incentive to put as much as they can towards their local community scaling up their capacity, because this would be the way to increase the financial stipends due to everyone.
We've seen what Vietnam did with only a modest incentive, they installed solar way in excess of their grid capacity, around eight times what the government had expected, in around 18 months, though they were not technically savvy enough to build hydrogen backup into their system, it won't be long until they do, I believe. It is a stunning display of how quickly solar can be scaled up.
Sorry it is difficult to explain this more concisely, but hopefully you get the picture.
I believe the timescale to this economic tipping point for most Western countries is probably less than a year or 18 months, but it is a hyperobject, as are also the observable effects of climate deteriortation.
Every attempt to predict it is likely to fall short.