There is a technical solution which does fix everything without requiring to put any brakes on expansion.
In a way we can be viewed as a fledgling species, about to be born from its existence to date dependent on the energy derived from its egg yolk, or placenta.
Would we wish to restrict the growth of a newly hatched chicken, or newly born mammal, of course not, nor would we expect either of them to last forever on the limited stocks of their embryionic energy stores.
The thing that happens in both kinds of newly born, is that the source of the oxygen and energy nutrients in their bloodstreams switches, from the yolk or placenta to the environment.
Before the switch, the path of oxygen and nutrients between the embryo and placenta/yolk is circular, conservative, zero-sum, everything consumed by the embryo is something lost from placenta/yolk.
After the switch, the path of oxygen and nutrients from the environment to the bloodstream of the newlyborn becomes open, linear, it is no longer zero-sum, but comes from an infinite source. The only limit to what can be taken, is what can be consumed by the newly born, which of course grows more rapidly than ever to maturity.
We appear to be on the cusp of being born as a species, the resources of all of nature are about to become available for us as a species to have as much of as we can use, whilst also providing the means for us to repair our planet, which of course we love.
The switch, from Earth bound capital energy resources, to the natural fusion reactor that is the sun, is happening mostly under the radars of most banks and governments.
It is happening by money-as-sunlight, (solar powered proof of work tokens), which are being exchanged for conventional money-as-debt.
There we see the first path between the infinite environmental energy of the sun, and our previously zero-sum economy.
Our economy is the bloodstream of our species.
The algorithm of proof of work tokens continuously pushes up the incentive to take yet more energy of cheapest kind, from the infinite source rather than from an expensive finite source, rapidly in such a way that we will very soon realise and celebrate this.
We will be celebrating the end of capitalism, zero-sum, scarcity, debt, and everything which was part and parcel of it, and the beginning of abundance for all people.
We are seeing the first signs of it with the slippage of the capital price of most currencies. They are sliding away from representing the static stored energy of a lump of gold, or barrel of oil for example, towards representing the energy flowing from the sun.
Dollars, euros, pounds, and every other currency (with the exception of Bitcoin) will settle on a number of Joules flowing, instead of a number of Joules static.
For that, they will all have to be endlessly issued, in the same way as joules are endlessly received from the sun.
That won’t affect how we rate them relative to one another in markets.
We saw a tiny glimpse of the effects of infinitely issued money for the first time early in the pandemic when 4Tn dollars were issued in one month, oil prices went negative for the first time in history, together with a list of other events which sent traditional investors including warren buffet crying foul, that in their eyes, something had gone wrong with money.
The end result is we are moving towards a new type of economy, where everyone receives too much from the source of all energy and wealth, the sun, from which we take what we need for ourselves, and pass on the remainder to all others.
That means the end of profit, debt, and excess value in capital of any kind including information and qualifications.
Why try save, when we don’t have to?
Why commit crime if we don’t need to?
Why take taxes if we don’t need to?
The incentive to work will become us doing whatever gives us satisfaction, and for which we are most rewarded, by everyone approving what we choose to do, by validating our choices of what we offer to markets.
We can offer anything and all things in the form of NFTs and proof-of-work tokens, in the simplest form, even just our labour, whether we feel inclined to create interplanetary space travel, or immortality, we only need to feel inclined to just do do positive things for humanity rather than negative, as sern by the new non-profit, free money market, to be validated, like we saw before; fine-grained democracy for alk people, and all of it entirely sustainable.
Sorry for the rambling reply.
In fact when we can see how this works, we might realise it is not just a solution, it is the only solution, which will happen one way or another, it is nature at work, playing her final move to have us at check, in the game we have been playing with her for all of our existence.
We are about to be born as a species finally truly united, or we perish, as surely as any chicken that fails to break out of its egg, or any mammal that fails to draw its first breath of air.
I hope it all makes sense to you. I have to keep practicing how to write about it in ways everyone understands, and today your post caught my eye as a worthy article to respond to.
Thanks for posting, and thanks for reading.