There is a new system that has to happen next, neither capitalism nor communism, but maybe both, including fine grained democracy for all people.
It comes with the energy of the sun, we can't get around it. With that comes free energy, and in turn free money for all people.
It might sound not possible but it is happening nonetheless, humanity empowered by the free energy of sunlight, wealth is being pumped into the backdoor of what conventional economists have always treated as a closed box, it is no longer zero sum, like trying to deny we are under a waterfall, still trying to hold back the flow, whilst selling us glasses of water, eventually it has to overflow. Knowing that, it starts to make sense how free money is holding value, even and especially during times of multi-trillion stimulus, its value only drops when not issued. The old business model of all things for profit is dying, that is why the world looks so strange right now, but if we can see beyond it, it looks incredibly bright. Utopia might well describe what comes next.
For a more detailed story you can always search out ny piece on the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge.