There are still many unknowns about covid, and some misperceptions, it seems to me.
Why were non vaxers socially victimised, when logically they presented no greater risk to the public than folk who were vaxed?
Why were the vaccines developed in the end, designed only to protect the person deciding to be vaccinated, not others around the person vaccinated?
Why is it socially unacceptable for me to point this out, like I am, just now?
Why were non vaxers, knowing above, tarred always with the selfish brush, yet the folk showing the real self interest, were those choosing to have the vaccine, knowing or ignoring that it only protected them alone, and knowing at the same time, the majority of populations in the poorer parts of the world were not getting access to the vaccine, because they did not have the funds to buy it, whilst large profits were being made from it in our richer parts of the world?
The whole original point of the vaccine, to eliminate the virus, was lost, when vaccine development became for profit, imho.
Ironically, or perhaps not so ironically, one of the major figures in the pivot that happened, from something non profit, to something for profit, was Bill Gates, who had been writing warnings about a virus pandemic for years.
He practically bought the WHO, becoming their actual main director, behind the public face of WHO.
It reads like something out of a Bond movie, already, but it's the truth, and it gets worse, much worse.
Did Bill gain from that? Of course he did.
If he didn't plan to be a major benefactor from the events of covid, it certainly looks like he did.
And now we are seeing evidence that there were labs in various places around the world, where research was being carried out, on how to create vaccines with designed fatality rates.
That activity was funded by investors seeking profit.
But it being ethically unacceptable by the laws of most developed countries, the work of those labs was put out to places where the ethics laws of "Developed" countries don't apply, like China, and... Well, Ukraine. And guess who's family appears to have been involved in that business in the latter, where there is now conveniently a war, being mostly funded on the orders of guess who, justified by a pipeline bombing carried out on the orders of guess who, and we start to see a picture, a very smelly horrible picture, that we are not allowed to talk about, because... Well the media, who are mostly owned by friends of guess who, says so, and makes it so.
My main effort in Medium, is towards fixing the global energy problem, which is much more serious and existentially threatening than most folk realise.
We mostly don't realise it isn't really money we physically seek in life, it is actually energy, and the system that humanity has fallen into, forces each of us to try to obtain that energy using the only mechanism available to us, money, to obtain the energy we each need, on average around 150 Joules per second, 24/7, for life.
I've shown by formal system analysis that profit is wholly, mutually dependent on energy by extraction, and that energy comes to us by way of planetary destruction, by mathematical definition, the net result of our presence on Earth is destruction, we take far more Joules from Earth than we actually use, and the remainder is pollution.
All of this traces out to energy from extraction being defined as mathematically negative, subtracting from Earth.
The energy from the sun is the opposite, mathematically positive, creating everything we know, adding all existing Joules put to use on Earth, and adding more continuously.
Using this is key to ending profit, but conventional science has never studied this or pointed it out, because... profit. No-one stands to profit by it personally so it is not pursued, never raising funding, and yet it is existentially important we stop damaging the planet.
What it all comes down to is that evil, I mean practically everything we would define as evil, is completely fueled by, and wholly dependent on mathematically negative energy.
The depth that evil can go to can never be overestimated, the inevitability of it, with nothing changed, getting worse, much worse, is clear from the systems analysis.
Yet there is a simple fix, just by issuing money representing the solar product already created, money pivots to something received for free, the need for each of us to be profit driven is instantly removed, and money gains a new standard, an energy standard, of a number of mathematically positive Joules per token, so gaining back its real ability to carry out its function of transporting the energy needed day to day by all of us, none left out of anything, because they couldn't afford it, and no shortage of funds for everything benefiting humanity it always needed, but could never do because it couldn't make profit.
Sorry for doing something like war and and peace in response to your story, but I hooe it helps clarify some useful things.