There are plenty of older whyte guys that get you and support your view Ade. I suspect Roger Waters would say so if he was asked, and me, though I am not famous like them (am happy to say!).
For sure that kind of charity isn't really even for the folk they claim it's for, whilst fully believing the lie they tell themselves, the charity is for them themselves, to sell themselves and feel good in a system they know they are champions of, the same system that stole all "our" energy from "you" historically, and for which we now are facing global catastrophy including all the immigration, and impending global war, whilst heating the planet to destruction by lies, lies, and more damn lies.
Their music mostly began as lukewarm and became cold to me, it lost its soul when they got famous, and died with its legs in the air when they got knighted.
Keep banging that drum, more and more are listening, more power to your elbow :)