There are perfectly fine hydrogen containers now in many installations, it is true significant energy is lost in the hydrogen power cycle, impacting efficiency, but efficiency, and actually profit, are only relevant in the world of energy extracted from our planet.
In terms of thermodynamics, what we are forced to do, our entire existence to date being on energy extracted from Earth, is net destruction, increasing entropy, steadily removing all life from Earth, taking more Joules out of use on Earth than we put to use. But it all changes to the opposite, when we truly make the transition to solar. After that, we are putting more Joules into Earth than we take out, regardless of efficiency, though that makes a difference, it can never make it negative if all of the energy handled is mathematically positive, adding to Earth rather than subtracting from it. that is truly creation, the opposite of increasing entropy, decreasing entropy.
This is the physical truth of energy which becomes apparent using formal systems Engineering techniques, like I've used routinely for many years as a long practicing Systems Engineer.
Scientists are not normally equipped with these skills, so in this case, they are less qualified, to comment with authority on the energy systems of nature and humanity, imho.
Further, to see it clearly we have to connect money and energy in a way that money no longer represents capital (stored energy), but live energy from the only actual source of it, the sun.
This means money will have to be issued for free representing those Joules received in return for nothing demanded by the sun.
I know Nate Hagens thinks still in terms of profit, so he can't see this.
Further, most scientists think in terms of proifit, so they can't see it either.
Hence the reason I think Ai is our only real chance, it is, or very soon will be uniquely equipped to get to the truth of the entire systems analysis, then those in power will finally have to listen.
That is what I hope for.