Theory becomes truth when it reflects actual physical reality. Did you know there is a physical relationship between truth / lies and temperature?
Truth is information, whereas lies are destruction of information.
The universe knows when we lie.
Every binary bit of information created lowers the temperature by at least 0.69 x Boltzman's constant in degrees C or K, and the same works in reverse, every binary bit destroyed increases temperature by the same amount.
This is a lab tested result:
Its a lie that there is any blanket effect associated with the atmosphere, because the atmosphere is adiabatic. Check the meaning of adiabatic, and check it applies to the atmosphere, to know there is no blanket effect, all the business of CO2 management is for nothing other than to enable the lie of profit to be used some more, and since profit is energy which was not heat being extracted from the planet, and thrown to heat, profit, the energy lie, increases temperature.
There you see a physical proof, and a use case, that lies go straight to temperature.
A burning planet is evidence that we live on lies, destruction of truth, which includes information. To do this we are moving more and more into a make believe world, to avoid traumatising ourselves from the knowledge, that we ourselves are responsible for the traumatisation of both us, and the planet, and our inaction which will result from that if it is left unchecked, will result in an extinction event.
This is the harsh truth nobody wants to hear. But there is a solution its to start using the energy of the sun, which is the only energy we can use to create, really create, really reducing temperature and entropy, really creating information of all things, even knowledge. Its the opposite of living in a world of lies.