The transactions going on speak for themselves John, we make of those what we will.
From my own point of view, I am not lucky enough to have any significant financial part, other than the time I have spent studying it since it started just over ten years ago when someone — deeply trusted ripped me off for everything I’d worked for in life, in classic capitalist style, and how Bitcoin now seems to fit as a “Kardeshev hinge” mechanism, part of the antidote to what I’ve described as the “grand energy Ponzi” which we’ve practicing in our known history to date.
Those stories I’ve written using all my instinct and experience in life, and as a Systems Engineer, and having been the victim of being in a US embargoed country, and having my bank remove all possibilities of funds whilst there, I’ve seen how capitalism works from the victim’s, side, more than once, and am thoroughly fed up with it.
No-one should be in control of anyone else’s ability to function economically, to sieze everything from them, with nothing or no-one to answer to.
What is the difference between that, and crime?
There really is no valid argument left supporting a stupid system which also happens to be the fundamental mechanism that locks us into perpetually raping the resources of our planet.
Bitcoin, and things that work like it are coming, nothing will stop that, and the world will be a much better place for it.