The strange things is that you sound like you almost relish this scenario.
If you follow the energy, it always leads back to extracted, when the platform has to charge for services. But now there are one or two platforms, which if you follow the energy trail, you'll find is not extracted, if you know what to look for.
Ironically, one of them, in fact the only one I know, is one you mentioned with obvious disdain, ChatGPT, I guess maybe because you haven't used it. After all if it is offered for free, when most other things are charged for, it can't be any good, right? But try using it, ask it a few questions that you don't think it should know, or get even close to being right about, see where it takes you, you will probably be surprised. Btw make sure you use the free version. The one that is charged for, is the one infinitely less likely to give you value for money.