The solution (There is only one), is detailed in Medium. It shows why all the industry on "carbon capture", "net-zero", and "Renewables", is a dangerous waste of time and energy. This is because we are currently delaying the transition from energy extracted from Earth, to Energy received from the sun.
You can visualise this like the charging of a battery, The battery is Earth, trickle charged from the sun. Humanity is a load, which gets its energy by discharging the battery. The mechanism we use to do the discharging (Extraction), is profit, and debt, both of which wholly depend on the energy requiring work to be done per KWhr to receive it.
Right now we are in process of switching our load to the energy of the sun, which requires no work per KWhr received, therefore can't be monetised by money issued as debt. It can only be monetised by massive UBI, reflecting the market value of the energy received. Until this is done, inflation has to continue to spiral out of control because money is coming to represent nothing, as the old energy product scales down, and the new energy product scales up.
Our consumption of solar energy happens in a way that instead of discharging the battery, we will be charging it, since our output from our consumption of energy added to Earth in this mode no longer is pollution, but valuable by-products, which add to Earth in a way as to assist the natural creation processes of nature.
In other words, by use of solar, we will be replacing what we took out.
The transition underway can be likened to the process of a transistor switch, in one state conducting current from one source (Earth) to us, switching over to conduct current from second source (The sun) to us.
In either state, the losses in the switch are minimal, but now the switch has begun to move, instead of encouraging the switch to rapidly move from the state of conducting energy from Earth, towards full utilisation of the energy of the sun, we are instead doing work to try to pin the conduction of the switch back down to the conduction from Earth.
That work is the business of carbon capture, which is how we might think profit can be maintained throughout the transition, but this is physically impossible, due to profit, and money as debt being useless in the reception and use of the energy of the sun, for the reasons mentioned earlier.
It is in the middle of this switch that the theoretical Net-zero might be thought to exist, but this is also impossible, Net-Zero is impossible, because the theoretical losses, and consequential temperature rise in the middle of the switch transition are incalculable, actually infinity, we will not get through the transition if we don't do it rapidly.
Extraction gives net positive, whilst receiving the energy of the sun is net-negative, a much better result than net negative.
So we have to move on from thinking in terms of "Renewables", "Net-zero, and "Carbon capture" and even profit. All of those things were dealing with symptoms, rather than cause.
The solution is to issue the funds needed for all to go entirely domestic and community solar powered, backed by hydrogen in every installation, removing most of the need for batteries.
This would have to be done as stimulus, linked to the historical product of solar received to date and ongoing.
This stimulus would then continue indefinitely.
Everyone would then be motivated to rapidly implement the local infrastructure needed in all places, because by that they / we can maximise future solar UBI stipend.
Like this the switch can be done in only a year or so.
As said, failure to do it is the reason the planet is burning, and the reason we have spiralling inflation, and also the reason we are almost at nuclear war.
All of those things will be relieved by completing the switch.
We might describe this new scenario as paying everyone to create, whereas in the working for profit scenario, we were paying everyone to destroy.
Anyone can read more in the stories in my profile.