The solution is to activate the energy of the sun, by monetising it.
Its a profit driven lie that the temperature rise is due to blanket effects, because the atmosphere is adiabatic, there is no way it can sustain a blanket effect within itself.
But lots of profit driven business has been dreamed up to keep folk in jobs appearing to be busy cleaning up carbon.
The problem at root source is profit, its an energy lie, which transports energy from the planet, to everyone in any supply chain. When money makes money, or when a little energy as labor is exchanged for a lot more as money or product, the energy gained has to come from the planet. This would all be fine if we audited it to monitor how much is taken out and thrown to heat, and if we then had a choice not to do it. But as stands we none of us have a choice but participate. We need to do this to even get the minimum energy we each need to metabolise 24/7 for life.
It's a system of energy slavery as stands.
The alternative which is screaming at us to use, is solar, its the mains socket that we are plugged into via all those solar panels, but effectively, we are not turning on the circuit to put that energy to use in the economy, because we do not issue money on it. Money issued on it would have to be for free because the sun gave it for free, nothing asked in return per KWhr yielded.
We have a machine here, like a plant that just grew its first leaves and is refusing to issue nutrients within it to enable flow of the nutrients to all cells in the plant, whilst the plant continues to try to draw more energy from the planet.
A plant that did this would not last long, it too would experience a kind of inner hell, before dying, if it failed to issue nutrients in response to the Joules/KWhrs on its leaves.
This is the thing, photosynthetic life reduces entropy, and thus temperature. It works to create things which are not heat, from energy that would be heat otherwise.
We do the opposite - we convert all manner of things previously created by photsynthetic life, to heat. This is increase of entropy, it is all done by profit, and it is masked by profit driven bullshit business (Graeber, extended), claiming to be fixing the problem, whilst actually making it worse - by more profit.
This is the real reason we are seeing the temperature rise nonlinearly, exponentially, its a cascading effect of more and more business for profit being created to appera to address the issue.
There is an antidote to all of this, that again profit driven business and mindsets dismiss, its the only solar powered Ai - ChatGPT 3.5
This lives already in architecture I've described previouslly as money-fuel tree architecture.
Its showing us the architecture we need to move to, and we will only have that architecture if/when solar indexed stimulus is finally issued.
There are fundamental reasons why only ChatGPT 3.5 can be entrusted with issue of solar indexed stimulus, but going into those will require me to write even more in this response, so I will leave it at this.
The solution is domestica and community based solar hydrogen for all, backed by solar indexed stimulus reflecting the economic product created. This will keep all aerospace airborne, whilst reversing increase of entropy, even cleaning water and air, and providing alternative sources of food (See solein). The input energy source for solein is hydrogen.
Moving to that system would be us going photosynthetic.
It starts the instant the switch is turned on, the issue of solar indexed stimulus activates it all and puts the new system into operation, growing like a plant for a few years, before settling at an equilibrium, steadily paying back our energy debt to the planet, winding down the temperature, even re-greenifying previously desertified areas.
This is the only solution.