The science becomes more and more complex, to create a profitable industry of the task of seeming to work towards fixing things whilst nothing is actually fixed.
Cars used to burn petroleum fuels without catalytic converters.
And the output, carbon monoxide was toxic.
People start to die when too much of that goes into the air.
So we started putting catalytic converters on cars.
But catalytic converters by nature consume rare Earth elements.
So we just shifted some of the lload of pollution from one which affects the air, to another one which affects Earth.
So rather than cut down on, or stop taking something rare from Earth, now we take two rare things from Earth, by that we created a disguise for the harm done by the first one, reducing it to terms like "Carbon neutral", because the problem of carbon monoxide has been "solved".
We don’t need to be scientists to see it is all part of the Grand Energy Ponzi, where business requires profit, which fundamentally requires consumption of the scarce or rare commodities of Earth, Energy Capital of Earth, all of which was put there for free by an extraterrestrial infinite source of energy, the sun, which we can’t scarcify, so can’t make profitable business from, so we ignore, instead of using it, really using it, to power our species.
Since science itself is a profitable business, it must create science disguising the truth of the Grand Energy Ponzi, so we continue in the mode of all business for profit, taking all of the scarce resources from Earth, for profit.
Even Greta, as then still untrained in profitable science, knew that.
Children know this instinctively because they haven’t yet had their minds warped by profit driven science. As adults we might remember knowing this as kids, or not.
Adults who might not have been conditioned so much by profit driven education, something evolved to prepare us for a profitable life, seem to remember it much more.
So no, your article doesn’t help clarify at all, it just creates more profit for some, from the confusion of not understanding the part profit plays in the Grand Energy Ponzi.