The problem with MMT is it was devised in absence of an actual external source of wealth in the economy.
MMT might explain how it is possible to demonstrate bootstrapping economic growth by funding with stimulus issued on credit.
So MMT can look like it works, short term.
But the debt of issuing money on credit is never fully recovered it just gets bigger, and with no external funding source, everything goes further into bankruptcy, and corruption, as we’ve seen.
What is different now, is that there is a real physical, external source of wealth, connected to the economy which has not yet been acknowledged by economic theory.
We still quantify the amount of wealth in the world economy by a fixed amount of currency, as if it is still in a closed box.
Solar energy sufficient to power entire countries, is currently generating Bitcoins, which are being exchanged for large sums of fiat currency.
In other words, free wealth from the sun is being pumped into the global economy.
It is no longer MMT, but infinite stimulus, from an external source.
Effectively, we have an infinitely scaleable donation of free energy, which is directly interchangeable with currency, being made to us, from the sun.
The wealth in our economy is now expanding continuously.
It can no longer be represented by a fixed amount of currency.
The donation source is capable of being scaled to any amount of freely printed money, whilst at the same time removing the environmental problems.
Things have moved beyond MMT.
So the strict answer to the question, in my opinion is no, MMT by itself is not a solution.
But money issued for free, corresponding to the free energy input to our economy from the sun, absolutely is a solution, in fact the only sensible possibility, I believe.