The practical figure of 3 to 4 miles per KWh is most interesting and most valuable in energy analyses, thanks for that.
I've been experimenting with electric bicycles, building my own. (I gave away my old diesel 4x4 over a year ago, and have never looked back. The overheads of a licensed road going vehicle in UK are huge).
It looks to me like a typical non-regenerative e-bike gets about 20 miles per KWh. Two people travelliing by e-bike would have a combined figure of 10 miles per KWh, and four people would have 5 miles per KWh, but if regenerative technology was put into ebikes, it would probably almost double.
Obviously travelling by e-bike in the winter will be real challenge, but lots of kids seem to be turning to them, at least here in UK, they are becoming very popular.
I believe we are heading for a new world which will see us implementing community based solar hydrogen, pretty much worldwide, assuming we don't blow the world up first.
That will provide hydrogen fueled vehicles with refill points on every street corner, since every community maintaing 24/7 backed microgrid power will have excess hydrogen which will build up in tanks in every community.
Practical ways of converting existing conventional gas guzzling vehicles to hydrogen will happen quickly, enabling cars like your latest to run on hydrogen.
Electric vehicles can be converted to dual function hydrogen electric by replacing their batteries by reversible fuel cells.
All hydrogen consuming vehicles produce fresh water as an exhaust output, giving also possibilities for drinking water circulation.
So your old gas guzzler might have a bigger future than you might expect right now :)
Thanks for your article!