The only way to deal with it is stop profit.
As stands, all efforts to fight forest fires by trying to put them out involves companies who all themselves require energy, all of which currently comes from profit, this is how all funds are generated. Those funds, when they come from profit, as they all do, are exclusively energy extracted from the planet, because the only other source of energy, the sun, gives all the energy we can use for free, nothing asked in return, no work is associated per joule of energy received, therefore it literally can't be transferred into money as debt, because money as debt has to have work done to satisfy the oblication of debt.
So we have to monetise the energy of the sun, and this can only be done by issuing money for free, at the market rates of energy per KWhr.
This also needs to be done to put the energy value back into money (reversing inflation).
Since the atmosphere is adiabatic, the temperature rise is not about CO2, creating businesses to try to fight C02 rise is equally damaging and futile, it just creates more profit, which goes directly to temperature rise.
Every transaction of profit goes directly to temperature rise, what we are measuring with temperature is increase of entropy, its destruction, its a measure of all the species lost and desertification of the planet to date.
The only way to reverse it, the only way to make the temperature rise change to temperature drop, is change the whole of humanity from energy extracted from the planet, to energy from the sun.
Solar, all use of solar, is the only activity that can, and does reduce entropy. But as long as that is outweighed by the destruction we do at profit, the temperature will continue to rise, even accelerate, because we react by creating yet more business for profit, to appear to be fixing the problem, when actually we can never fix it at profit.
We can't fix destruction by yet more destruction, only creation can fix it.
So if you want to know what to push for, what to activate for, to make a difference, push for solar indexed stimulus, a kind of UBI, but it has to be solar indexed stimulus.
It can be supported, because the product for it is already created, just never monetised.
The instant we gat that, we start to wind the temperature back down from flashpoint, in all the places we currently see forest fires.