Adapted from original image at

The Missing Sign

How all of the problems of the world come down to a simple failure to identify the mathematical sign of energy.

Frederick Bott
5 min readNov 17, 2022


Here, I am not going to waste time describing the problems of the world in detail, we all know what they are, and most of us know it is fundamentally an energy problem. I’ve covered those in some of the other 300 odd stories I’ve done in Medium to date.

How to fix the problem is what I’ve been more or less concentrated on throughout, for the past five, nearly six years, using my formal Systems Engineering skills gained over the past thirty odd of my nearly sixty years of life.

The pursuit of this solution has been a journey of discovery, which might not be finished yet, though I really wish it was.

Surely this is the end of the Journey; the missing sign.

What could be more fundamental?


Energy is quantified most conveniently for Engineering puposes as Joules. These convert most readily into all of the different domains of Engineering, and all of the scientific domains of nature.

Everyone loves Joules, Joules are good.

The sun’s rays are full of Joules. The rate at which these Joules land on Earth is indicated on some clever websites. Below is one of my favourites, despite it being knee-deep in the confusion propagated by the missing sign, even using the classically confusing terminology of “Renewables”, they do at least seem to have a good handle on the Joules striking Earth:

Those Joules, striking Earth, add to the Joules already on Earth, therefore they are positive, and everything done by those Joules is the positive creation of nature, and us, when we use them also.

All of the materials of fossil fuels was created by this positive process, using the positive joules of the sun.

We can describe the processes of creation of product mathematically, preserving the sign of the energy throughout the process. Of course creation is positive, whilst destruction is negative.

Correspondingly, anything removing or reducing Joules put to use on Earth by nature is negative.

Extracting energy from fossil fuels has the net effect of reducing Joules put to use on Earth, creating instead pollution which is harmful to all of life.

Similarly, burning a log is a negative process, resulting in pollution.

We’ve needed to do these things historically to get technologically to the capability of using positive energy, because frankly, until recently, we had no choice.

But now we have the technology to use positive energy, and we are doing so, the effect of the missing sign is becoming something significant, causing an awful lot of confusion, perpetuating unnecessarily the unsustainable business of working on negative energy.

The kinds of confusion caused include our terminology of “Renewables”.

That becomes nonsense, when we are aware of the mathematical sign of energy.

The energy from the sun is the only one which is positive, adding Joules put to use on Earth.

Even life itself is these positive Joules put to use on Earth by nature.

Destroying any material or existing energy of Earth by reducing or taking Joules from it is destruction.

There is no way around that. Fusion is still just a dream, where the dream itself results from the confusion over the sign of energy. Specifically that it is missing. All attempts at fusion to date have resulted in nothing more than a net reduction of Joules put to use by nature on Earth.

The same also goes for nuclear power, the net effect on Joules of Earth is removal, never addition.

So all of these things are negative business, which has to stop, in order to stop the destruction, and the effects of the destruction we are seeing.

The effect on Economy

The effect on economy of the missing sign is likely to be the driver that no-one can ignore.

The article I wrote on how to fix the UK economy 50 to 60 Bn “Black Hole” was written without realising the full extent of what it would uncover, so I had given it a maybe less than ideal title, which might explain why it appears to have hardly been read, or promoted in any way whatsoever by Medium.

Yet it is literally the solution to fixing the economy of the UK, at the same time as solving our energy crisis.

How can that not be worth promoting?

But I digress, the object of this article is to show how / why the solution has been missed, by those folk who are in the position of being responsible for sorting out our problems.

This article is their get-out clause.

No-one in particular can be blamed for the missing sign.

In truth we are all guilty of letting it happen.

But now we know about it, there is no excuse for not fixing it, and for not promoting the fix.

The fix is to put the sign on energy.

Positive, if it adds Joules to Earth, negative, if it subracts Joules from Earth.

When we do that, it propagates through to all things, including the economy, in such a way as to prevent money which should have been issued to reflect the positive Joules being put to use, being confused as money owed by the public.

Put the positive sign on the positive energy actually put to use (Not metered by utilities energy), and we find that the fifty billion debt claimed to be owed by the UK public to the government and industry, is actually a credit, owed by the government and money issuers to the public.

That credit is what was paid to the public during covid.

It was part of a much larger credit due to all of the positive energy put to use since 2005, totalling some £457Bn.

So the UK public are still actually owed issue of £400Bn.

No-one loses because the money is backed by the Joules of positive energy put to use.

Issuing that money, is the only way to make the money representative of the actual product put to use, therefore the only way to make the money “Solid”, eliminating inflation, boosting the value of the UK pound.

As long as that is not done, the pound will continue to flounder, and the UK public will be demanded to pay ever greater sums of unpayable money.

This is the real story, one of the biggest that will ever appear in Medium.

Not promoting it, will tell another story completely, damning pretty much everyone, no exceptions.


Edit 11/01/2022: Concern of World Counts Website no longer working removed. I works fine now, still a great view of the sun at work.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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