The main reason I personally don't like the term degrowth, is that it implies more destruction, which in turn implies genocide.
To me the degrowthers are not changing anything, we are already on a path towards destruction and genocide, the degrowthers are more or less acting to reinforce the system of enforced artificial scarcification which is technically energy slavery, to the bitter end.
We can't have recovery from what has been caused by progressive destruction, by yet more destruction, even if its more efficiently done, its still destruction.
What has not been talked about by the scientists claiming to be working on the environmental problem, is what is destruction, and what is creation, what is the technical difference.
This is despite technical analyses done by highly qualified people (Me being one), showing all of this analysed, even with solution, and with numbers, after quite a few years, still mainstream climate science community has never recognised or even acknowledged it, and I've warned that without this, there is a gaping hole in science, which investigated reveals some pretty fundamental errors, that folk like Trump will jump all over when they realise it.
And look, he's realising it.
Its not about greenhouse gases in an adiabatic atmosphere, its about energy, plain and simple. And there is a solution, though its radical, which does not involve degrowth, it just shows that if we start monetising the energy of the sun, then we are monetising creation instead of monetising destruction, which is what we were doing for profit, the past few thousand years.
Instead of monetising destruction, we have to start monetising creation.
With that done, we will see the temperature winding back down, all the faster, even with the explosive growth that we will see by that, because it is creation, whereas we never had creation before, it was an illusion that previous growth was creation, it never was, and it was never sustainable.