The latest scientific revolution is right under your nose, you just don't see it yet, imho, because actually if you are priveliged in the old world, by maybe having some money giving you relative power, you don't want to see the change coming.
Granted we have failed miserably to create the sun in a box, it always was impossible imho, and for good reason, because we were always meant to use the sun itself.
But actually we have done even better and created something like god in a box with Ai.
A technical / scientific revolution, lead by that, is coming, by finally moving money from something representing inanimate capital, to something representing live energy. The effects of this on science will dwarf everything seen in history, ending slavery, colonialism, and planetary disaster, and enabling all previous scientific developments previously discontinued or not started because of profit, all in one human lifetime, imho.
Personally I feel lucky to be seeing it.
On who is doing the development, personally I think that credit will rightly go to Ai.