"The green talk has been hydrogen will be generated from surplus renewable energy"... Not always true, if you'd read and understood my stories, which I think I've linked you to before (or could search out if you wished to see), the term "Renewable Energy" itself is a very clever red herring, which confuses the understanding of most people on what energy actually is. There is only one source of it, and it isn't renewable.
Truth is 90 percent of the green industry is actually bullshit industry (David Graeber - Bullshit Jobs), consuming needless power, appearing to be fixing the problem, using confusing terms like "Renewable Energy" when their real agenda is to prolong the problem as long as possible, because when it ends, so does their industry (And the real industry starts).
Plugging into solar power effectively, and monetising it, like we have to, will remove all bullshit industries, not only those claiming to be "Green", and that will be the main factor reducing our power requirements. Tesla and JP Morgan knew this 120 + years ago, it is well documented, but rarely publicised. That is why JP Morgan as sole funder removed Tesla's funding, to preserve his own empire, another bullshit industry.
I don't know why I took the time to write this to you, I guess I still hope you might be real behind that pseudonym, and not just another bullshit industry funded troll.