The first problem you quoted is not a problem because it isn't true. NREL will not tell you the truth, because it is not in their interests to tell you the truth, that the business, their business, of "Renewable Energy", is itself harmful misguidance, a waste of energy itself. Cut out this business, and all the other linked misinforming businesses of "Renewable Energy", and domestic and community solar is perfectly fine. It is fine anyway, already impacting around 20% of utillities energy business with the tiny percentage of available roof spac used. NREL will not tell you this, but you can check it for yourself by looking at utillities energy consumption data, coupled with population data for your country, and just looking around you, ask yourself how much is already used, to achieve 20% energy independence, and how much more is needed, to provide the other 70 or 80 percent.
On the second problem you identified, what the infomation above detailing utilities energy business depression actually means, is that no money is added to the economy, for the energy product being physically added to the economy by domestic and community solar. In UK this money is around 457Bn to date, since 2005, when demographics data first began to diverge. In the US, I am sure there is much more than this outstanding.
That imbalance, between creation of product, and issue of money manifests as inflation.
Imho, this is the real reason why the dollar value got stronger when it was issued as stimulus in US - because it was backed by actual creation of product. The NREL will never tell you this.
If this money outstanding, for solar product created, was to be issued, then the cost of solar does not look so much, especially knowing that by expanding the capacity, the stipend available goes up proportionally. 80 percent more solar energy means 80 percent more solar stipend. For the UK it was 50Bn for 2022 alone. If we were 100% domestic and community solar, it would be 5x50Bn = 250 Bn per year
With that, no-one need ever work again, no-one would even be bothered to commit crime, which at the end of the day is mostly just poor people trying to do business. With almost zero crime there is almost zer need for police, and most of the justice system, and definitely no need for things like NREL.
They would be making themselves redundant by telling you this.
But we would be using so much less energy, all from solar.
So, on whether or not solar detracts from the problem requiring a global collective solution - I would say aboslutely not, actualy the opposite, because if everyone knew and accepted this information I am telling you here, we would see it is our duty, each and every one of us, to demand the money outstanding for solar product already created, so that we can contribute to whichever communities are relevant to us, putting up as much solar infrastructure with hydrogen backup, as possible, because by that, we truly fix the problem, actually the only way it can be fixed.