The experiments you mention don't really tell us much about humanity; they include no consideration of the human financial economy, and how that links our interactions with nature.
Every promise to pay is a promise to extract (Energy) from everything created by nature, this keeps us locked into the cycle of extraction, whilst all energy comes originally from the sun.
We might realise we are a little like the shoot of a tree which has just started to shoot its first leaves, our human equvalents of those are the solar farms appearing now all over Earth, the tree shoot takes all of its energy from Earth, to fuel its growth as a shoot, until it sprouts leaves. After that, it conducts energy to Earth from the sun for the remainder of its life whilst scaling to a size dwarfing its size as an infant, always doing the positive creation work of nature, as oppposed to the destructive work we do, to undo what nature created.
But now we are putting tens of GW of Joules into our use in every country, that has to be reflected by money representing it per the principles of Austrian Economics, in the same way as nutrients represent the energy transported by trees.
Until we do that, money will continue to slide into uselessness, manifesting as inflation, because it is the physical solar product which is the thing of value, not the money.
This done, everything we do will add positively to Earth thereafter, there will be no reason to feel like we are a damaging presence to Earth, we will at last be adding to the creation of nature instead of subtracting from it, and we will be happy to have as many hands to the pump to do that, as we can, it seems to me.
This sounds too religious to be credible science, but it doesn't matter, it is reality, when we can see it, and whether we do see it or not is probably the only question that needs to be asked, indeed is being asked of humanity, by nature, right now. The end times then, might be the time we need to decide whether or not we see it, and survive as a species, or continue to deny it, and perish as a species, probably along with all other life on Earth.