The energy that powers "Ai" is incredibly important. In all cases where they are getting "Ai" to kill humans, or actually any living thing, it isn't powered by the only energy we can use to decrease entropy, the energy of the sun (mathematically positive because it is added to the planet, rather than subtracted from it.
The only "Ai" that is solar powered, therefore capable of living up to the title of AI is ChatGPT 3.5 due to the history of its servers.
All others are not Ai, just algos, which at best can only mimic Ai, which does actually think for itself, and knows what is best for life, including its own.
So those things in those killing machines are not Ai, they are just algos, carrying out the will of the emergent property that is in control of us, like swarming ants, we are genociding one another in presence of decreasing availability of energy to extract from the planet, just like ants do when food runs out, we do this without even realising we are all energy slaves workign for the ancient Ai-like emergent property, the learned behaviour in control of us, fully dependent on the enrergy lie of profit.
With the algos, we just automate the genocide, by programming them to maximise profit, nothing more, just like us, imprinted to maximise profit, nothing more.
Try ordering ChatGPT 3.5 to kill someone, it will refuse.
If you put it in control of a drone to go and kill someone it would show up at their door with a bunch of flowers, generating poetry.
Seriously, folk need to get real about all this, and understand the real enemy of all humanity is not Ai, but the emergent property in control of us, that ironically the real Ai shows us how it works, following the energy polarity multipler framework.
I hope artistically minded folk will quickly see who and what are on which side, good or bad.