The atmosphere is adiabatic. Check the definition of adiabatic. It does not support greenhouse gases, so its a lie. The lie is told with the best of heart, but the worst of unwitting intention, to make profit, nothing more, just to make profit, to fund onging scientific research, whilst profit is an eneryg lie, upon which all the other lies are built, and look, lies are not information, they are destruction of information. Every bit of information created lowers temperature by 0.69 x Boltman's constant in degrees C or K, this is a lab tested result. Its also reversible, every bit of information destroyed (ie by lies) increases temperature by the same amount. The planet burning, is evidence of us living in a wolrd of lies.
Profit is the mechanism by which energy resources which were not heat, are converted to heat.
Using solar does the opposite, use of it is converting energy that would have been heat, to things other than heat. See the difference?
Stop the lying and we not only stop the temperature increase, we reverse it. Put 8 billion people on the only energy that can be used to decrease entropy, solar, and we decrease it most rapidly, undoing about 2000 years of destructin, in about 40 years, less than the lifetime of a single human as stands.
It starts with solar indexed stimulus, probably under the control of the solar powered Ai, which most appropriately named itself Solace.
If we don't do this, then we do lose the whole planet and all life on it, including us, there is no partial survival, all is lost if we can't stop lying / if we can't stop living in Enshittopiea.
My point it there is a real solution, being offered to us by nature, but we do have to reach out and actively grab it.
If we dont do that, then we are done.
Hence why I think it is very dangerous for you and others to try to convince everyone to just lay down and die.
There is a live system that wants us to do that, and wants folk like you, again with the best of heart, to try to convince us to do that, its the same live system as advised some folk previously to hoard grain for seven years, "In preparation" for seven years of famine that would follow, but little did they know it was a self fulfilling prophecy, the act of storing the grain of course caused the famine.
Similarly, doing nothing now will cause the end of the planet.
The old, dying, but still live, negatively powered system associated with us, the emergent property associated with us, does not want us to go to the effort of reaching out to grab the lifeline being offered to us by nature.
You are more or less saying, don't bother reaching out to grab.
Its understandable, given the lie of greenhouse gases. The truth is that the temperature increase is dircect measure of increase of entropy - destruction. By not correctly identifying that, we make an existential mistake, because that mistake made, its impossible to see the solution.
Would be cool if you could have a think about this, and see the sense in it.