That you constantly remind of books and papers you wrote, tells us that you depend on the information in those books being largely unchallenged, to underpin your personal credibility and thus also maximise your income from time you invested previously.
I put it to you that that "intellectual property" you have amassed, like the IP of all of science, is a millstone preventing your thinking from progressing.
You literally can't afford to make mistakes, and can't afford to criticise, or maybe don't see the human constructed profit driven system which contains your thinking, and that of all profit driven science, like a cage.
Otherwise you would see how ridiculous it is to try to claim humanity is imitating nature by trying to recreate the sun in a lab.
Copying how something works in nature, and doing as it does, like a bird flying is emulation, and it obviously works. Not only can we do it, but we can arguably do it better, flying faster, higher, etc.
But trying to recreate the sun in a box, before we even know how how to survive on its energy as stands (by emulating plants), is not about that, its about trying to replace the hand that feeds us for free with a hand that we control, and can scarcify the output of to others, including all other nature, even all plants, which again we should be emulating, rather than wiping them out.
So I see many limitations of science now, despite its seemingly grand aspirations, like the brief flash of Joules output during the "successful" burst of positive Joules output by a man made fusion event in a lab, they are heavily overshadowed and outweighed by the vast quantity of negative Joules that went into creating the burst, including all of the Joules that went into paying all of the wages and rewards of everyone involved, and creating the equipments, facilities and buildings needed to do that. The Joules yielded from those experiments look like nothing compared to the Joules used to do the experiments, and all of it was mathematically negative, given that we took all of them from the Earth rather than from the sun.
How many plants died to do those experiments. How much closer to extinction did we push life on Earth by those.
Did anyone ever think to ask that question?
No, because we've always been driven by personal profit alone, nothing else really matters.
It doesn't matter to profit driven science that it could save a lot of lives and a lot of nature, by correctly mathematically signing energy so that we can correctly identify which activities are beneficial to life on Earth, promoting even higher thought, uncaging our artificially limited imaginations, and which are harmful, amounting ultimately to destruction of all of life on Earth, rather than going to the stars by any means other than "accidentally" breaking our planet out of orbit by profit driven geo-engineering.
By that, maybe we would achieve replacing our star with another like you hinted at, but who would be left that would want to, after gaining the power over all remaining life on Earth, as might be possible on a dark planet powered by fission?
What kind of creatures would be left, on such a world?
And yet we could have true sustainability even now, by beginning to copy the action in plants, using technology already at our disposal, which we are even using, but failing to issue money on the positive Joules yielded and put to use by us on Earth, again no-one is distinguishing those, or the beneficial work they do, like the Joules transported by nutrients in plants from leaves to Earth, because of our failure to even mathematically sign the energy.
But nature is having the last laugh at our stupidity, by those positive Joules forcing down the negative business of extraction and all dependent on it, as that business declines, all money issued on it, money-as-debt, which can only be redeemed by labor of extraction, is being systematically devalued, in a way that governments and money issuers, misinformed by the failure of profit driven science to mathematically sign the energy underlying and essential to all things, are billing the public for money lost by contraction of utilities business, when in fact the governments and money issuers should be paying the public the very same sums of money for the accumulated positive Joules put to use on the world they continue to occupy.
Knowing all of this, maybe you start to see why folk might begin to doubt the word of all profit driven science.
Science, has something very basic that needs attending to, and that is the mathematical signing of energy.
As long as it doesn't do that, its credibility has to slide away, just like the value of the money issued on all of its business.
Fix that problem, then maybe we can get onto some real science, unfettered by profit, finally fueled by positive Joules.
Fail to fix it and we are done, all life on Earth as it was.