That is the point Ian, we are not comparing hydrogen to pure electrical vehicles. They are two very different things. One enables us to run a whole distributed solar powered ecosystem of the future, including all vehicles in the air, on sea, on land, using either fuel cells or ICE.
The other is an electric vehicle, as it is in the system as stands, mostly still powered by extracted energy, using Lithum batteries, by centralised utilities energy which is at most maybe 20 percent solar.
The challenge we have, is to transition from the current system to the new system, because this is not optional, we cannot carry on using extracted energy for much longer, we are almost at flashpoint, for the reasons already described, I have explained exactly why the temperature is not only ramping up, it is accelerating.
Meantime, money has to devalue rapidly because of the reasons explained an awful lot of times now in my six years writing in Medium, after starting on the energy problem from PhD work in 2017, after already a long career in systems engineering from hardware design including in the electrical utilities energy industry, almost 30 years ago now.
This is my longest ever project, and I am doing it so far unpaid, because I know it is going to be a very unpopular view, to say that profit itself is the fundamental driver of energy extraction, they are intricately interlinked, we can never get away from one or the other, it has to be both, free energy means free money. The original Tesla was first to identify this, but obviously Elon is not up to speed there, or he is just ignoring it.
Hey-ho, I hope you are getting what my point actually is now.