Thanks Jared these bulletins are really useful and valuable I think.
On the current momentum towards people coming to accept there has to be some kind of cull, this is exactly the wrong thing to do, but what the profit driven, extracted energy dependent system of destruction wants us to believe. We should recognise it as something every bit as alive and sentient as Ai. It absolutely wants the end of all life. We have already damaged the planet beyond it's ability to recover without us, imho.
Cutting out the life that is short term sustainable, including human, only serves to remove the means by which the planet has to be repaired, by enhanced creation, which would supplement what nature does by being powered by mathematically positive energy (the energy of the sun), as we have to become, like nature is, rather than subtracting from what nature creates, as we are, whilst fueled by mathematically negative energy (extracted from Earth).
We do that the instant we start monetizing the energy of the sun.
If we never do that, then we burn, and the profit monster will have won, achieving it's goal of ending all life.
Every human life on positive energy is no longer a destructive load, but a source of creation, no mater what we do, use of positive energy has the opposite effect of use of negative energy - creation instead of destruction.
Notice profit driven science will never tell you any of this, and profit driven platforms do nothing to promote it. It is literally suppressed by the system, that just wants everyone not contributing to it's destructive effort to just lie down and die, dutifully, in worship of it, the profit monster.
Pleaese don't make the mistake of trying to interpret what I've said here without the context of the 350+ technical articles I've written on the subject using all my background as a long practicing Systems Engineer, from beginning on the energy problem around 2017.