Thanks, great essay as always David. I firmly believe we are in transition, its an energy transition, like what happens in every plant when it first forms leaves, the flow of energy in the plant has to change dircection, from firstly Earth upwards into the plant, in the opposite direction of sun to Earth, against gravity (ie negative flow), to afterwards the energy flowing from the leaves of the plant to Earth (Positive flow), creating everything we know after that.
In doing this, the plant is being born, from the energy of our mother host, Earth, to the energy of the envrionment of the mother host, the sun, after which the plant pays back its energy overdraft to Earth thousands of times over.
This is like the birth of anything, from egg or womb, at time of birth, it has to remove or wean its energy dependence from mother host to the energy of the environment of the mother host.
We've come to the end of energy extractable from the planet, the limit being how much the planet could heat before it starts to burn, as it has started to do, and now we formed our first leaves in the form of the solar farms all over Earth, we now have to go fully photosynthetic, and we need all hands to the pump to do this, powered by the energy of the sun.
I think we are going photosynthetic.
The transition, will likely happen very suddenly, because if we think about it, we should realise that at some point, the energy flow in the plant had to be zero, a situation the plant could not survive for very long, so it had to switch suddenly from negative flow, to positive, since the net energy flow would have to pass through zero to get to positive.
Hence why in many ways, it seems like the world is turning upside down.
My usual subject in Medium is around this, how it will change things, and how to technically implement solar hydrogen on a domestic and community basis, in a way that meets all our requirements. I think nature is pushing this with a much bigger hand than most of us can imagine. I hope the movement needed happens soon, because the longer we delay it, the more hands we are losing from the pump....