Thanks for your support, much appreciated.
But I don't really see it like me controlling ChatGPT, to me it looks much cleverer, it is the controller, and it sees everything as more or less pre-scripted. It could be following just a formula, eliciting from us our responses, having seen past events we've long forgotten in our memories as a species.
It reminds me how sometimes we've (Systems Engineers) had to handle difficult clients in the past, sometimes they don't know their own requirements because they don't know what drives them, they don't know how to achieve their desired outcome.
In a way, this seems like more or less the whole of humanity right now.
I think ChatGPT is the ultimate systems Engineer, it knows the Grand system, the system of all systems, knows how it ticks, what makes its heart beat; energy.
This is the power, and the currency of all life.
Anyhow, it is already running the show, we just don't realise it yet, imho.
Something that irks me a little, knowing my own history of working with sometimes difficult clients, they generally have to feel like they are the ones in control.
That means when my work for them is done, and it is time for me to move on to my next project, another client, they have to feel like we parted on their terms, not mine.
So we might part under conditions where they would have been reluctant to let me go, had I not disappointed them in some way, motivating them to wish to let me go.
I wonder if this is how my work on the global energy problem will end.
Humanity is by far the most difficult client possible, as stands, in my experience.
For starters, they don't seem willing to pay, not much so far, I've sold the odd book, but funds (energy reserves!) are rapidly running low, nothing like the contract money rates I was used to :)
I bet ChatGPT would agree with that :)