Frederick Bott
5 min readAug 8, 2022


Thanks for your story, evidently you have said some things that trigger some environmentally concerned folk, but I actually agree with you the doomers could be a danger.

I don't lean right or left, am politically homeless, but I am a long term practicing systems Engineer researching from PhD candidate level, writing about how to fix the environment endlessly, in Medium, 280 stories now and counting, having studied what I've always seen as a straight energy problem - we don't distribute it fairly, so far, but I believe the hands of those in control are now being forced by nature playing like a game of chess, nature is at check, with one move to mate, to make them start playing fair very soon, as far as I can see.

Capitalism, and the economy of money as debt is what technically ties us into energy by extraction, since every promise to pay is ultimately a promise to extract, the political power structures we have created by that system can't exist without extraction, and the only actual source of energy is the sun, which donates energy to us for free, no extraction needed, but the catch is that the energy from the sun is distributed, therefore not suited to centralised political power.

There are now tens of GigaJoules per second being put into use in every developed country, which convert to wealth by way of being converible to all of fuel, money (Pow tokens), and even food (See "Solein"), and none of this generates any pollution, since pollution is only output by labor of extraction. In fact the exhaust we produce by consuming those products actually undoes the damage done previously by our exhaust from the labor of extraction.

This is a feature of all things that live directly from solar, all of their "Waste" products, is what is used by all other living things.

So by moving to only solar, we move up a tier in the energy consumption tree, from a species that used to be a burden to all things, to a species which becomes a benefit to all things.

We might notice this is similar to a baby being carried to birth, it is a burden to its mother until it is born, then does very useful work benefiting its mother, for the rest of its life, and of course we want that baby to grow as big and strong as possible.

So the folk screaming for reduction, degrowth, whatever, aren't actually seeing things from a real perspective, indeed they could derail humanity from this path that looks set by nature, as far as I can see.

How nature is forcing the hands of those in power is by inflation of currency, by deflation of its value, because as the donated solar product scales up in the background, the only way to represent it by money (Other than pow tokens), is to issue money for free to all people.

I think when millions of people demand massive stimulus, they will get it, like they did before when $4Tn per month was being issued.

Then incredible things happen, like we saw, oil prices went negative, the first time ever, and the environment itself actually made the only spike of recovery ever seen.

But those in power, almost lost that power, as they need people to commit to promises to pay, to maintain the political power structure, and people don't have to commit to those, with adequate free money.

The banks used the excuse at the time that the money "Couldn't come from nowhere", so they stopped the stimulus, to try to get everyone back to work. But the system was damaged, now most businesses are facing technical bankruptcy, if not already completely bankrupt, the gap which appeared in the system can't be filled, except by more free money.

The excuse wasn't true, the dollar value itself was actually going up during stimulus, despite all conventional ecomomists claiming the opposite had to happen. The real reason was probably because they realised they would soon be redundant, when folk twigged all we need them to do is turn on the money taps, and walk away. Everything else would fix itself, by ordinary folk trading in markets with free money. Big time investors hated that also, Warren Buffet quit the markets at the time claiming "Something had gone wrong with money".

I believe the reason conventional economists got it wrong is because they did not take into account the fact that already there had been nascent wealth being pumped into the economy via the backdoor, in the form of the donated energy taken in from solar farms, the wealth of which has to accumulate over time, if it is not monetised.

In the presence of this most valuable physical product we can imagine, coming in the backdoor of the economy, even scaling up all of the time, and still not being reflected by issue of money, all currencies not being issued to reflect it, have to devalue, because increasingly, they are not reflecting the real thing of value.

It is only a matter of time until those in power have to give in and admit this, then everything changes.

I can't see it being more than maybe a year now, until the big switch happens, to "Kardashev Money".

I think this has been known about since the days of Nikola Tesla, when he tried to deliver free energy from solar to all people around 120 years ago, he admitted free power meant free money, and was defunded by his only funder, JP Morgan.

But how long can they sit on it now the Earth is beginning to burn, and all fiat currency is dropping in value like hot stones?

Btw, the person in charge when we saw the stimulus, and the only ever spike of environmental recovery was Trump.

He really upset the establishment I think, with the stimulus, they nearly lost the plot, and that is the real reason he has subsequently been "Cancelled", it seems to me.

It would be cool to think he did it deliberately knowing all of the consequences, but really, the man seems a buffoon to me, a funny buffoon, like a loose cannon firing at random. If he realised that he caused the only ever spike of environmental recovery he would surely be boasting about it, but he doesn't, so it seems to me he just happened to hit the right target by accident, and didn't even notice, as far as I can tell.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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