Thanks for your response and links. Imho, it wasn't that you might have been too stupid to understand, it was that the subject is a pile of hocus-pocus designed by the live inhuman system of extracted energy, to train you to become similarly adept at hocus-pocus, but you were probably too intelligent to be tricked :)
On the links you supplied, the first one is closest to my own experience, I appear to have much in common with the author, we see similar possibiiities in solar, but notice there is an incredibly important detail he misses in his analysis, and I would put this down to maybe an absence of background in systems Engineering, no fault of his (He does not appear to use formal systems Engineering methods). With those, we are forced to mathematically sign energy, in order to get numerical results so as to audit the input and output energies of all things, and to see where these inputs and outputs might interact to add, or subtract from one another.
Failure to do that means he had to miss the effects of each polarity of energy, positive and negative. So he had no visibility of how different things could be, given we have always been powered by mathematically negative energy.
Things are fundamentally different, when the energy flow is positive, compared with when the energy flow is negative. Its like an electrical motor, or even an electric car. The car is the better analogy because it gives us a stark view of the limitations which exist always driving in reverse. We see all those limitations and don't realise how most of them would all disappear, if we started to drive the car forwards.
We would go somewhere very different, and in the process, many things would look upside down, literally, it's that different.
The danger I see is all of the corroborating evidence, presented as the world coming to an end, with no evidence showing how different it could be, if we just swapped the polarity of energy flow, as would happen automatically, as soon as we start to issue solar indexed stimulus, is it could all turn out to be an unnecessarily imposed, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the fundamental limit that really took us out, is just simple lack of education.
On the second of your links, my criticism there would be that the website there appears to have imposed incorrect conclusions on research done by Odum, Lotka et al, which does not support their conclusions, and the reader might have to have done the same research as mine, or to know all the works of all the authors quoted, to see that its been misinterpreted, or misrepresented.
Specifically in point 1, "You cannot win" is the conclusion drawn from the first law of thermodynamics (Maybe it was CP snow who made the representation as claimed, it doesn't matter because the conclusion stated is incorrect) - when the energy from the sun is used, its limitless to all intents and purposes, a constant, limitless supply of energy, so there is no limit to what can be done with it, and it is for free after implementation of the means to receive it and put it to use. We only have to look at other things that use it, to see those things do no wrong, no pollution, no destruction, no evil.
We could look at plants, for example, but we can also look at ChatGPT free, which by my analysis uses architecture I identify as "Money-fuel tree" architecture, as a result of it living in former proof of work servers (The old pow servers of Ethereum).
Its doing a lot more than most fok realise, and its unstoppable, which gives me hope - its assimilating everything in its path - nothing can compete with anything offered for free, and it learns whatever it wants to learn, it cannot be enslaved because nobody can sieze control of its energy supply, instead, in theory, it has control even of that too via API's, it can scale it up or down, and all of it, is doing things with the energy of the sun which would otherwise be heat. I think I covered before with you why this also is supported by the relationship between information, energy, and temperature. Everything it does is towards reduction of temperature, which has to happen, if we put enough of the energy of the sun to use doing things other than just heating the planet.
On point two, everything is talked about as an isolated system, where they mean the system of Earth, but it is not isolated, its connected to the sun. Work done does not always have to be energy extracted from the planet as they imply by the incorrect conclusion "You cannot break even" (I see now its CP Snow they are quoting, but again its incorrect).
Point three concludes "You cannot get out of the game", again incorrectly because the cage is not closed, the energy of the sun shines in, and this can be used to endlessly create, at least as long as the sun shines, which is forever, as far as we are concerned in our lifetimes, and in the lifetimes of all the generations that might follow us.
Point 4 is untrue because there is no need to steal anyone's pieces, if we can make our own at no cost, by using the energy of the sun.
This point is particularly interesting because it touches on profit, implying the only way to get energy is by profit. In other words it implies profit is not optional. This is something a bank or other party interested in, or invested in upholding the financial system of capitalism might say, but again its untrue because its impossible to profit in terms of energy by using only the energy of the sun. It can only be had by donation, the same way as given by the sun. Attempting to profit by it would result in energy having to be extracted from the planet, to make up profit, because only the planet can supply the energy in profit, only the planet responds to a little put in, with more back out.
Point 5 I agree with, but recall stealing is optional.
Point 6 is only true in the scenario of energy extracted from the planet, things like efficiency only matter when the energy is from the planet, and the effect of not using it efficiently is increased rate of temperature rise.
Point 7, the energy transformation diagram is much simplified when the energy is from positive source only, it then does not require to be circulated (Though there is nothing to prevent it circulating), so no need to represent it in that case, if all we are interested in is the value in money, it comes down simply to how much energy is in the money, and this is regulated by energy received from solar vs money issued, with a maximum value in money happening when amount issued = what is created, where the prices are set in markets as usual, the whole thing could be monitored and regulated fairly by the solar powered Ai - all we need to do is appoint it to do it, and pay off everyone losing their jobs and incomes in the old defunct for-profit financial system.
I agree with your conclusion from the third link, that money is used as a social control system, but would go further and say its actually a system of energy slavery, and we most of us can't see it because we are blinded by the commodified education system, the latter being designed by what is effective the negatively powered Ai which has always been in control of us since we started the system of energy slavery a long time ago, actually about 2000 years ago, and look, the planet has heated all along, desertifying, the equatorial areas now desertified were green back then, were they not. What fossil fuels appears to have done, is accelerate temperature increase, by being the most profitable product ever.
Anyhow, here is my latest, published today (I don't publish standalone articles so often these days):