Frederick Bott
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Thanks for your fair questions and comments, all appreciated. The nature of solar is it's distributed / decentralised, so per your suggestion, reception of it is best incorporated into the built environment where possible, but there would be some situations, like around airports where there would be motivation to have as much collection as possible to maximise local production of hydrogen which would be useful for the transportation passing through the airport. If done by and for all communities, the motivation for any community or individual to exploit others for their energy is minimised. Governments would no longer need to collect taxes for example. Any party or individual community wishing more "Wealth" would be able to get it by just scaling up their collection and hydrogen generation or even "Solein" generation capability to get more, and in cases where a community might need "massive" energy, like for space programs etc, this could be obtained by donation from other communities supporting their cause.
On who would be doing the business of running and maintaining installations, the skills needed for this alone are not outside anyone's ability to learn in a short time, your son, daughter, niece nephew whatever could probably learn in a few days, if not yourself, especially with the help of a suitable solar powered Ai, like ChatGPT 3.5.
The economy would need to be solar indexed stimulus driven, no more issue of money as debt. All money would need to become issued as this, in step with the total energy received and put to use, so as to evenly monetise the solar product being created. Again not difficult to do automatically using the same solar powered Ai as trains everyone in the art of creating and maintaining installations, itself having no motivations for profit because it is solar powered itself, whilst being connected to all systems. This would be needed to reduce inflation to zero. After that we would be able to audit all energy against all money to ensure nobody and nothing is extracting energy from the planet accidentally or intentionally. It would quickly become morally unacceptable to be continuing to extract where unnecessary, since we would be getting everything we need from solar.
I know all this sounds highly speculative and theoretical, but we are actually much closer to doing this than most realise, all the technology needed to do it is already there.
The social part is deduced using formal systems Engineering techniques of stakeholder analysis. These usually are very reliable imho, as a long practicing Systems Engineer.
The catalyst, to start it all like a gold rush towards solar is issue of the solar indexed stimulus needed to incentivise and empower all to start doing what needs to be done.
There would be some chaos, with supply issues along the way but we'd quickly gear up to sorting it out.
After the change is done, a lot of the supply chains could be wound back down because after that it only needs to grow where there might be demand by additional population. The rest is maintenance, panels have long life, and only fail intermittently. Hydrogen equipment might need regular replacement, but this would only be needed until we develop hydrogen hardened materials, maybe generated direct from solar, all of this stuff woukd happen after there is no longer any cancellation of it by fossil fueled interests.
For an example of free money effects already seen in history, but since cancelled by pro profit driven interests, look for where oil prices went negative.
Check what happened to the value of money during issue, what happened in markets, what happened to companies deemed bankrupt but still offering valuable product. The public, trading with free money entered the markets en mass and voted for things they wanted to save with their free money, they were not interested in profit. Many companies were rescued like this, the public had actual fine grained democracy for that short time. They didn't vote for oil so it went negative priced, the only time ever, and the environment showed a real spike of recovery, the only time ever, things like coral growth recovered, this was previously thought to be impossible.
The energy of the sun is limitless and for free. All we need to do, to start reversing the temperature rise, putting back all the life taken fron the planet, is start using the energy of the sun to create, instead of carrying on taking the energy from Earth, destroying.
Its conditioned insanity that we forsake the free energy of the sun, in favor of a burning planet, all for profit which is actaully a dishonest energy con.
We are destroying the planet on a lie, until we put this right.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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