Thanks for your comment Orion, the book is at the platform independent conceptual level, it's intended to show why polarity of energy is so important, and why we will never switch gradually from one to the other, we will have to decide as a population to make the leap from negative to positive for physical reasons, there is effectively an air gap in between, and we have to re-establish cascading energy flow down the new path.
If we just let nature do its thing, it might succeed, might not, but if we want to minimise losses and have maximum energy to make recovery, we'll help it, by making the leap voluntarily before it's completely forced on us.
I am pretty sure the world bank already knows all this, it explains their recent statements that we'll own nothing and we'll be happy, but it's deliberately worded so we'll interpret it as more energy slavery.
Anyhow I did start a series late last year giving detailed implementation specifications using cots equipments (alibaba) for a typical seed money-fuel tree installation that could be replicated to scale, but the technology is moving along so rapidly it's almost superseded before writing, with a risk of folk spending too much too soon, and me getting the blame for that. It's a free four part series, in Medium but part 5 awaits when we can see a clear upgrade path, not locking anybody into a non-upgradeable solution. It needs to have this scalability to be able to scale up on the demand for more fuel production, that we know will come, when push comes to shove.