Thanks for this, good analysis, given what we know of the politics.
Not intended as a barb at you personally, it is a system at fault here, but something that pretty much all, even climate scientists, are getting wrong, is that there is no such thing as renewable energy.
As long as we keep using that terminology, or even just "Renewables", we still have problems, by spending time and money on perpetuating the bullshit business of all things dependent on energy by extraction.
It masks the simple fact that there is only one energy, it comes from the sun. We think we are in control, still, but nature is taking control, since we started using solar.
The money will keep devaluing until it comes to reflect the thing of real value, the energy of the sun.
That is how we should be able to work out that the anti inflation bill will have no positive effect on inflation at all, because the money issuers are not responding to nature in the way that we have to, by issuing free money representing the free Joules of energy coming in from the sun.
Nature will keep kicking, and burning our ass, and inflation will keep getting worse, because we are not valuing the real thing of value, the energy from source, until money is issued for free representing it.
I can say this over and over, and I do, and never hear it from another source. This is the nature of social bubbles, again a profit driven phenomenon, which is something we somehow need to burst.
I know we will, when we burst the bubble of the energy misinformation and finally all see how it all really works, and how we need to work with it as a species.
That day can't come soon enough.