Thanks for putting into context without the usual investor bluster, whilst clarifying your intention.
I guess maybe we see the same thing, up to a point.
The experience we could really do with, is someone who previously worked at a senior multidisciplinary technical level on the succesful transition of a planetary civilisational system change, from energy extracted from its planet, to the energy available to it from its local sun.
That is the challenge facing us, it seems to me.
I don't know anyone who can claim to have that experience, as yet, I am guessing you probably don't either :)
The next best thing, might be someone who has worked on many smaller, but still grand planetary scale pioneering system projects at the multidisciplinary senior level.
Most of my working life has been that, hence the reason I have probably more confidence than most, to believe in my experience, and my view of the global energy problem, and the only way to fix it.
How I got to know more about hydrogen, is by modeling tools.
Matlab Simulink, is the one I would recommend for detailed multidisciplinary system modeling and simulation. It isn't cheap for the fully loaded functionality versions, and doesn't have any real competition, but with it we are wielding the power of probably now millions of hours of specialist domain PhD expertise. I wouldn't recommend the whole ecological solution is dealt with in that form though, it would be overkill, and way more detailed than necessary at the higher level, where we need to work at the more abstract, economic level, traced to the concerns of all stakeholders. There, I would recommend a mixture of modelling languages including SysML, using Enterprise Architect, again the fully loaded version.
I've maintained those tools five years now at my own expense, working on the global energy problem, which my experience enabled me to see coming, since around then.
Something we fundamentally can't get around, dramatically proven during covid, is that the practice of profit driven competive business prevents truly global solutions, because in the end, complete collaboration and global consensus is needed, to agree the solution.
But we see the investor herd mentality appears almost indestructiblle, defying all logic, driving through all manner of illogical, fatal projects like nuclear weapons, deadly viruses, and Geo-Engineering.
Hence my skepticisism of it.