Thanks for posting, interesting information. For me it is enough to prove that there is lack of knowledge on the formation of Earth, so I've bookmarked your article (Well actually, to the link of the PNAC article you supplied to Darren below) , to reference when it comes to arguments over this, as I seem to get more of now, the fix to the current energy problem of all things is to connect to the sun, but showing it technically requires that we overturn some long-held misunderstandings about the origins of Earth. It makes sense that the Earth was ejected from the sun at some time previously, perhaps during volcanically active period of its history, or perhaps due to collision with another celestial body, who knows, but if we carry on with the flawed argument that Earth was created from compressed "Cosmic dust", it completely confuses the origins of energy on Earth. There is a very simple solution to the problems we are experiencing, it we can explain it all in terms of the energy of the sun, therefore eliminating the energy we waste searching for alternatives within Earth. We literally do not have any further spare time or energy to waste, we must connect to the sun, yesterday.
BTW why use a pseudonym, "V" rather than your actual identity? I think it would add to the credibility of your stories if you showed you are willing to take responsibility for them with your "Skin in the game"? :)